Sangiorgi Legnami has two sawmill plants with the possibility of transforming logs up to 2 meters in diameter and 9 meters in length. These plants allow us to saw approximately 3,000 m³ of logs per month, and are integrated with a management system of the production organization. We also have a special material selection system, consequent to the measurement operations, which allows us to prepare up to eight packages automatically, composing them as required by the customer and also the possibility to have the parcel cubes in real time.
Registered office in BOLOGNA – Via Guido Reni, 2/2
Administrative and operative Headquarters in IMOLA - via Provinciale Selice, 54/A IMOLA – via Provinciale Selice, 54/A
Share Capital € 7.764.800,00.
R.E.A.Registration n n. 347792
Business Register BO n. 61694
Fiscal code and VAT registration n. 04163110374
Mechanised processing code 029562.