Berlinia bracteosa


BOTANICAL NAMES Berlinia bracteosa.
ORIGINS FAMILY It belongs to the family of Leguminosae Caesalpinioideae.
GROWTH AREA This tree grows below the rainforest of tropical area of the West Africa.
SPECIFIC WEIGHT Green 850 kg/m³ – Dried 650 kg/m³ at 12% C.U.
TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES Sapwood and heartwood are distinguished.
The sapwood appears whitish while the heartwood is brown-pink with some dark streaks.
This wood has a good durability but poor resistance to impacts.
Due to fungi and insects attacks, the sapwood is not workable.
DRYING METHOD It can easily be dried with very good results.
MAIN USES AND WORKING This wood can be work well without difficulties;
It can be easily cut but the stripping is very fragile.
It is used for all interior carpentry, furniture and decorative coatings.


Registered office in BOLOGNA – Via Guido Reni, 2/2
Administrative and operative Headquarters in IMOLA - via Provinciale Selice, 54/A IMOLA – via Provinciale Selice, 54/A
Share Capital € 7.764.800,00.
R.E.A.Registration n n. 347792
Business Register BO n. 61694
Fiscal code and VAT registration n. 04163110374
Mechanised processing code 029562.

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