Our company manages a sales of over 50,000 m³ of wood a year, only on the Italian market, between logs and sawn timber, of which about 20,000 m³ of sawed Italy, goods that is processed directly by our staff specialized in the 2 sawmills we have at our Imola factory. Three sales lines characterize the business of our company. We supply local warehouses in Italy, which sell our wood to retailers; a further branch is the direct sales to drums, cornices, floor coverings, plumbing, furniture and luxury goods producers, finally, consulting and sales to large producers of funeral bonnets, with which we maintain close relations of collaboration, not just as simple suppliers, but rather as partners. The distribution of our products is organized through a network of agents and some employees operating throughout the national and international territory.
Registered office in BOLOGNA – Via Guido Reni, 2/2
Administrative and operative Headquarters in IMOLA - via Provinciale Selice, 54/A IMOLA – via Provinciale Selice, 54/A
Share Capital € 7.764.800,00.
R.E.A.Registration n n. 347792
Business Register BO n. 61694
Fiscal code and VAT registration n. 04163110374
Mechanised processing code 029562.