Carya Nutt.


ORIGINS FAMILY It belongs to the family of Juglandaceae
GROWTH AREA The tree grows mainly in North America, but it can also be found in the south, in Mexico.
SPECIFIC WEIGHT 800 kg/m³ at 12% C.U.
TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES The sapwood is white or sometimes pale brown while
the heartwood ranges from brown to reddish brown.
The wood has a straight grain and a medium texture.
Hickory is moderately durable and it is often attacked by xylophagous insects.
DRYING METHOD The drying process must be carried out slowly to avoid cracking and deformation.
MAIN USES AND WORKING Hickory is a very hard, dense and impact resistant wood.
There are harder and more resistant woods but this wood is the perfect combination of strength,
hardness and stiffness that are not found in other woods.
It is widely used for the construction of sporting goods, handles, golf clubs, ladders, etc.
Hickory is also used for wooden floors due to its resistance to wear.
This wood works quite well, excellent grip of nails and screws, less well gluing.